Dear readers with grace and blessing of Baba I am uploading today first album-Sai bhajan by the Bhajan samrats Anup Jalota and Shri Suresh Wadekar ji .
Last time when I was in India I got this bhajan CD, titled as "Sai Bhajan " .I loved it a lot and hence I took it as first post to publish in this new blog on Baba's Mahasamadhi day .
(These bhajans are already posted in Baba's other blog (sathgurushirdisaibaba).
Long time back I had posted screen saver on Janmashtami .In the background same bhajan by Anup Jalota was used .I am uploading the same bhajan"Sumiran Kar Sai Naam" here today .
As the lyrics goes in the Bhajan "Sumiran kar Sai Naam "words from Sai Satchritra starts flowing from Chapter 3, I feel these lyrics are so apt and true.Whenever I listen this song it always reminds me of these sentences said by Baba to Shama and it goes like this:
"If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion. And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall beset in front and back and on all sides.The simple remembrance of My name as ‘Sai,Sai’ will do away with sins of speech and hearing".
I pray and seek for Baba's blessing to bless this work and good wishes from the reader of my blogs.
Devotees are welcome to contribute their Sai bhajan collection with me in this blog at this ID
Jai Sai Ram .


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