Happy Thursday
With today's 50th chapter and Epilogue we have completed the Audio Sai Satcharitra in Telugu as contributed by Sai sister Lavanya . In next coming post link to all the chapters shall be given .Readers who have missed on any of these 51 chapters can download it from the link in coming post .Jai Sai Ram
Chapter 50
Stories of 1)Kakasaheb Dixit 2) Shri Tembe Swami 3) Balaram Dhurandhar
The sandal-wood trees grow on the Malaya mountains & ward off heat. The clouds pour their rain-water & thereby, cool & refresh all the people. The flowers blossom in the spring & enable us to worship God,therewith. So, the stories of SaiBaba come forth in order to give solace & comfort to the readers. Both those who tell & those, who hear the stories of Baba, are blessed & holy.
Greatness of Sad-guru Sai
We prostrate ourselves before and take refuge in that Sai Samarth Who besets all animate and inanimate things in the universe-from a post to God Brahma, pots, houses, mansions and even sky, Who pervades all creatures equally without any differentiation, to Whom all devotees are alike; and Who knows not honour and dishonor, like or dislike. If we remember Him and surrender to Him, He fulfills all our desires and makes us attain the goal of life.
This ocean of mundane existence is very hard to cross. Waves of infatuation beat high there against the bank of bad thoughts and break down trees of fortitude. The breeze of egoism blows forcibly and makes the ocean rough and agitated. Crocodiles in the form of anger and hatred move there fearlessly. Eddies in the form of the idea "I and Mine" and other doubts whirl there incessantly and innumerable fishes in the form of censure, hate and jealousy play there, Though this ocean is so fierce and terrible, Sad-guru Sai is its Agasti (Destroyer) and the devotees of Sai have not the least to fear of it. Our Sadguru is the boat, which will safety take us across this ocean.
Now are fall flat before Sai Baba and holding His Feet make the following prayer for the public:- Let not our mind wander and desire anything except Thee. Let this work (Satcharita) be in every house and let it be studied daily. Ward off the calamities of those who study it regularly.
Chapter 50

Chapter 51-Epilogue.

Download Telugu Sai Satcharitra Book in Soft Copy .

Stories of 1)Kakasaheb Dixit 2) Shri Tembe Swami 3) Balaram Dhurandhar
The sandal-wood trees grow on the Malaya mountains & ward off heat. The clouds pour their rain-water & thereby, cool & refresh all the people. The flowers blossom in the spring & enable us to worship God,therewith. So, the stories of SaiBaba come forth in order to give solace & comfort to the readers. Both those who tell & those, who hear the stories of Baba, are blessed & holy.
Greatness of Sad-guru Sai
We prostrate ourselves before and take refuge in that Sai Samarth Who besets all animate and inanimate things in the universe-from a post to God Brahma, pots, houses, mansions and even sky, Who pervades all creatures equally without any differentiation, to Whom all devotees are alike; and Who knows not honour and dishonor, like or dislike. If we remember Him and surrender to Him, He fulfills all our desires and makes us attain the goal of life.
This ocean of mundane existence is very hard to cross. Waves of infatuation beat high there against the bank of bad thoughts and break down trees of fortitude. The breeze of egoism blows forcibly and makes the ocean rough and agitated. Crocodiles in the form of anger and hatred move there fearlessly. Eddies in the form of the idea "I and Mine" and other doubts whirl there incessantly and innumerable fishes in the form of censure, hate and jealousy play there, Though this ocean is so fierce and terrible, Sad-guru Sai is its Agasti (Destroyer) and the devotees of Sai have not the least to fear of it. Our Sadguru is the boat, which will safety take us across this ocean.
Now are fall flat before Sai Baba and holding His Feet make the following prayer for the public:- Let not our mind wander and desire anything except Thee. Let this work (Satcharita) be in every house and let it be studied daily. Ward off the calamities of those who study it regularly.
Chapter 50

Chapter 51-Epilogue.

Download Telugu Sai Satcharitra Book in Soft Copy .

Telugu Sai Satcharitra Audio:Sister Lavanya
Post details -Sister Lavanya
Embroidery work-Sister Lavanya's Mother
Sai Baba's Picture-Brother Rahul.
Post details -Sister Lavanya
Embroidery work-Sister Lavanya's Mother
Sai Baba's Picture-Brother Rahul.

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