Happy Thursday
Few days back I had uploaded Telugu Shri Sai Satcharita in audio format as shared and contributed by Sai sister Lavanya. Today she has shared beautiful video which is a offering to Baba by her mother, a sincere devotee of Baba .Baba's grace is always there on His devotee and this is proved when one watche this video .This video is created by Sai Lavanya sister .Lavanya sister expresses her view on the selection of the song for this video.She says the song in the video is sung by Shailabh Bansal with his soothing voice and the lyrics of the song goes like....है मेरे करीब साई (Hai Mere Kareeb Sai) from the album Sai Ki Ladli .
As it is sung in one of the line in the song ...टूट के जो संभल जाते है वोही साई के ख़ास होते है (Toot ke Jo Samal jathe hai vohi Saiyee ke Khas hothe hai) ,in the same way the pictures in the video are hand made embroideries, which are done by her mother who has lost her eyesight due to hemorrhage in her right eye.But to get out of that pain Baba inspired her to do such work which human with both eyes cannot do.She is blessed as with grace of Baba she has done this intricate work with a single eyesight.
Dear readers ,I personally feel this is just next to impossible unless there is Baba's blessing . With Baba's blessing Aunty has been doing this work relentlessly and each work is reflection of her love for Baba and Baba's grace on her .
A must watch video for all the devotees.
Readers who wish to download the song can click on the download button .
These pictures are uploaded in Shirdi Sai Baba Stories and Teaching website ,devotees who wish to download and view aunty's work can go to the page by clicking on the link provided below.
Jai Sai Ram
Few days back I had uploaded Telugu Shri Sai Satcharita in audio format as shared and contributed by Sai sister Lavanya. Today she has shared beautiful video which is a offering to Baba by her mother, a sincere devotee of Baba .Baba's grace is always there on His devotee and this is proved when one watche this video .This video is created by Sai Lavanya sister .Lavanya sister expresses her view on the selection of the song for this video.She says the song in the video is sung by Shailabh Bansal with his soothing voice and the lyrics of the song goes like....है मेरे करीब साई (Hai Mere Kareeb Sai) from the album Sai Ki Ladli .
As it is sung in one of the line in the song ...टूट के जो संभल जाते है वोही साई के ख़ास होते है (Toot ke Jo Samal jathe hai vohi Saiyee ke Khas hothe hai) ,in the same way the pictures in the video are hand made embroideries, which are done by her mother who has lost her eyesight due to hemorrhage in her right eye.But to get out of that pain Baba inspired her to do such work which human with both eyes cannot do.She is blessed as with grace of Baba she has done this intricate work with a single eyesight.
Dear readers ,I personally feel this is just next to impossible unless there is Baba's blessing . With Baba's blessing Aunty has been doing this work relentlessly and each work is reflection of her love for Baba and Baba's grace on her .
A must watch video for all the devotees.
Readers who wish to download the song can click on the download button .
These pictures are uploaded in Shirdi Sai Baba Stories and Teaching website ,devotees who wish to download and view aunty's work can go to the page by clicking on the link provided below.
Jai Sai Ram

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