Dear all,
This is the 7th song from the Album-Baba Pugazh Maalai.The singer express his following feelings through this song ,as translated by Asha sister .Jai Sai Ram.
Sharanam bhava sharanam bhava Shri Sadguru Baba
Sharanaam bhuja sharanam bhava Shri Sathguru Baba
There is no beginning, middle or end to Baba
He will give His grace to those who take refuge to Him.
Sun and Moon in the sky will circumbulate you Baba
The pain given by the Kali will also diminish by your grace baba.
He is a helper to poor,
To people who do not know their path He is the guide
The long time sufferings of devotees would come to an end by His grace
He will give knowledge to those who commit mistakes by their innocence
You reside in mylapore what a grace you have showered on us.
Jai Sai Ram

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