Dear all,
Happy Thursday to all.This is the 9th song from the Album-Baba Pugazh Maalai.The singer express his following feelings through this song as translated by Asha sister .Jai Sai Ram.
we have none tell us that You will protect us
You will smile if we join our hands to pray
if we are depressed You will shed tears for us
as we have Your love
we are not orphans, not at all
some will come for wealth and materialistic benefits
some will for joining hands for worldly honour
people will lead a life of lust and greed
even the ruler of the land will come who is engrossed in materialistic things
all are one before You,
you say You are below -down even to those who live in bhiksha
let anyone approach You, your dealing will be same to everyone.
He will give what he has
whether worldly/ heavenly people come to you,For You there is no partiality in your approach
there is no difference/partiality in Your sight.

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