Dear all,
Happy Baba's Day & Vijaya Dhasami Day to all ,
On the eve of Maha Samadhi Day of Shri Shirdi Saibaba & Vijaya Dhasami Day, May Sadguru Saibaba of Shirdi & Goddess Maa Saraswathi bless you all with Great Health, Wisdom, Happiness, Peaceful Life, Prosperity, Contentment, Love to all beings and Bless you all with the most important thing of life, that is Doing Charity in all the ways possible and getting Spiritual Awareness to attain the goal of life (Self-Realisation & Liberation) with God's Grace. Sath Chith Aanandha Sathguru Shri Sainath Maharaaj Ki Jai ! LOkhaa SamasthA SukinO Bhavanthu ! Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi Hi ! Bow to Shri Sai, Peace be to All. Shubham. Jai Sairam
This is the last song from the movie Maalik -Ek.This is one of my favorite song ,in the voice of melodious bhajan singer Shri Anup Jalota.The singer is expressing the magic of Sai Naam ,Grace of Shirdi and Baba's mighty power .
A beautiful composition which takes us closer to Shri Sainath.Jai Sai Ram .


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